[Tutor] does anyone know a good module for automation

Emile van Sebille emile at fenx.com
Mon Apr 29 21:33:52 CEST 2013

I recently automated a scheduled task to retrieve content from an https 
site that uses javascript for site interaction using iMacros, ahk and 
the related firefox extension.  Not a python solution, but it got the 
job done.


On 4/26/2013 8:28 AM, Frank Schiro wrote:
> Pywinauto is not working with this application that opens from the
> internet via javascript. Its not in a browser, its a complete
> application thats not installed on the computer just installed on the
> internet.
> Pywinauto sees the window...but cant find any controls and does not
> recognize menu items, neither does its helper program swapy. Does anyone
> know how I could automate a program like this ? I guess something about
> it is not the same as normal installed on your own computer programs...
> Also I dont like sikuli, because I hate its interpreter.
> On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 8:28 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com
> <mailto:alan.gauld at btinternet.com>> wrote:
>     On 20/04/13 23:07, Frank Schiro wrote:
>         Unless you think pywinauto would work in a game envoirnment ? I
>         think it
>         might but have not tried it because no games on my pc... I just
>         know it
>         didnt work for internet explorer.
>     I don't know pywinauto but the lowest common denominator on Windows
>     is the Win32 API and the Windows messages. You can use either ctypes
>     or pythonwin to access those and/or create your own to simulate
>     button presses and mouse clicks etc. Doing that you can automate
>     anything in windows, but its a non trivial, error prone and
>     frustrating exercise so its better to get a higher level library if
>     you can.
>     --
>     Alan G
>     Author of the Learn to Program web site
>     http://www.alan-g.me.uk/
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