[Tutor] Codeacademy Problem

Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick kwpolska at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 18:01:09 CEST 2013

On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 5:28 PM, Joseph Parkton <jparkton at gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried both suggestions from Chris and I get Oops, try again! Did you
> create a function called trip_cost? Not really sure why

Your problem is: codecademy is dumb and its errors are, too.

>>> def trip_cost(city, days):
...     totalCost = plane_trip_cost(city) + hotel_cost(nights) +

There isn’t a “nights” parameter in your function, and you try to use
it for hotel_cost().  Replace it with days.  And perform one of the
variants, ending up with:

def trip_cost(city, days):
    return plane_trip_cost(city) + hotel_cost(days) + rental_car_cost(days)

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