[Tutor] is there an explicit eof to test in Py 3?

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Mon Apr 22 06:32:12 CEST 2013

On 04/21/2013 09:35 PM, Jim Mooney wrote:
>    I'm reading a book that suggests finding EOF when the readLine == ""
>   But wouldn't that end erroneously on blank lines, that really contain
> '\n', in which case more lines might follow? What 'empties' are
> considered equal in Python? I'm coming from javascript which has a
> cluster of rules for that.
> Yes, I know the easy way is a for loop, which automatically breaks on
> eof, but at times I want to use a while loop and break out of it
> explicitly on eof. But I can't seem to find an explicit eof marker in
> python. Is there one?

A little experimenting could have told you the answer.  readline() 
returns a newline character for a blank line, and an empty string for 
end of file.


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