[Tutor] Time frame for Py 3 Maturity

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sun Apr 21 09:46:34 CEST 2013

On 21/04/13 03:10, Jim Mooney wrote:

>>     This is why we tend to recommend 2.7 for anyone doing serious work in
>>     Python.
> Understood. I am in no rush, but what do you think it the time frame
> when Py 3 will be mature?

As Steven has already pointed out Python 3 itself is mature.
The problem is that many of the key 3rd party libraries have not
been ported yet or the ports are not stable. (Many others have
been so it depends what you need.)

But one of the problems in OpenSource is that the developments
are all done by volunteers. There is no central corporate
program of work to drive the porting process or set its priority
level. It just depends on what each project team sees as its
priority - adding features to the existing code, fixing bugs, or porting 
to Python3 (and thereafter maintaining 2 codebases...).

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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