[Tutor] Fwd: Sys.argv read parameters

Danny Yoo dyoo at hashcollision.org
Thu Apr 18 21:10:02 CEST 2013

Ok, good.  This is _much_ more realistic code, and demonstrates why
seeing context is important.

My suggestion to do it computationally is totally invalid here.  :P
There's a lot of variation here, due to the access paths through the
JSON that you're walking.  You're essentially defining a very
lightweight domain-specific language, technically.  The semantics of
the commands appear to be: walk the JSON of a certain path.  A
dispatch table here is _very_ appropriate.

The values in your dispatch table, however, should not be literal code
that you want to evaluate: rather, they should just hold an inert
path.  The act of using the dispatch table should take a path and then
apply it to the JSON in question.

(I am trying _very_ hard not to say the word "eval" here, because it's
just dangerous in this context.)

Here's what the interpretation part of your language might looks like:

def p(*elts):
    """Construct a representation of a path.
    (We'll cheat a little by using a list of strings.)"""
    return elts

commands = {
    'uptime' : p('serverStatus', 'uptime'),
    'globalLock_lockTime' : p('serverStatus', 'globalLock', 'lockTime')
    ## Fill me in with more elements.

def lookup(data, cmdName):
    path = commands[cmdName]
    for p in path:
        data = data[p]
    return data

## For example, let's mock up some sample data and see how this works.

sampleData = {'serverStatus' : {'uptime': 3,
                                'cpu load' : 1.11,
                                'globalLock' : { 'lockName' : 'sample
lock name',
                                                 'lockTime' : 42 }}}
print lookup(sampleData, 'uptime')
print lookup(sampleData, 'globalLock_lockTime')

You should be able to see how to extend this to your realistic
example: just add more entries in your command.  Note that I'm using a
function p() to construct the path: that's just for my own
convenience: you might be able to just strip it out and inline the
paths directly into the table.

(But having p there enables maintenance: we might need to extend the
system to do more than path lookup later on, in which case redefining
p makes it easy to change the representation of paths by modifying a
single place.)

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