[Tutor] design question (Django?)

Albert-Jan Roskam fomcl at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 13 09:34:42 CEST 2013


I am doing volunteer work for a charity. The job is to coordinate money collecting activities of people who
raise money with collecting-boxes. I am involved with one postal code  4 (pc4) area (our postal codes have the format 1234 AB (postal code 6). So 'one postal code 4 area'  means [0-9]{4}[A-Z]{2} (1234AA, 1234AB, etc.). One pc4 area is typically divided over a group of 8 people who actually go out there to collect the money.

I would like to make a webtool that makes it possible for collectors to select what streets they want to visit.
Other collectors of their pc4 area should also be able to see their selection, once it's final (it's a BIG no-no that the same street is visited by multiple collectors in the same week). Selection would be done by selecting street names or pc6 (tick boxes). A selection would be visualized on a map (a different color for each collector). The number of households associated with the selection is shown to see if the selection is a realistic amount.

Now, this is where Python comes in. Or wait, maybe not quite yet. The problem should (I think) be divided into two major steps: (1) database design (2) UI design (Python, I hope!)

(1) Database design. Here are the database tables I think are necessary:
tblPostalcode: pc6, streetname, nHouseholds, isVisitable, remarks
tblCollectorSelection: collectorname, streetname, selectiondate

(2) UI design. Ah, finally, Python. ;-) I had Django in mind to create the web interface and GeoDjango to display the selection on a map. I am open for other suggestions though (D3?). I am not even sure how realistic this is, given that I have zilch experience with web programming (and Java script). The whole thing should be non-geeky, non-techy for users.

I would love to hear your thoughts about this. Does this make sense? Is Django a good choice?


ps: sorry about the large amount of text. ;-)

All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a 
fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?


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