[Tutor] Looks like a judgment bug.

Amit Saha amitsaha.in at gmail.com
Fri Apr 12 05:42:50 CEST 2013

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
> On 12/04/13 12:53, Amit Saha wrote:
>> So for example:
>>>>> a=1
>>>>> b=1
>>>>> a is b
>> True
>>>>> id(a) == id(b)
>> True
> This is not a very good example, because that behaviour itself is
> implementation-dependent and not guaranteed. For example, in IronPython 2.6
> I get completely different behaviour:
>>>> a = 1
>>>> b = 1
>>>> a is b
> False
>>>> print id(a), id(b)
> 43 44
> Even in CPython, the implementation you are probably using, the behaviour
> will depend on all sorts of factors, such as the type of the object, and
> even the value:
> py> a = 10001
> py> b = 10001
> py> a is b
> False
> py> a = 1.0
> py> b = 1.0
> py> a is b
> False
>> So, when are identifiers same and when not? That
>> depends on the type of object - mutable or immutable.
> No, not really. The best you can say is this:
> If Python has a choice between creating a new object, and re-using an
> existing object, and the object is mutable, Python will never re-use the
> object since that might introduce bugs. If the object is immutable, Python
> *may* re-use it, or it may not.

Indeed. My point was to give the original poster at  least *some* idea
of what the issue really is. If he/she takes that hint and
experiments, reads the Python data model, and finds something weird
with that statement - he/she will discover the finer/exactly correct
details. So, thanks for clarifying this.

> When does Python have a choice between re-using existing objects? That's a
> complicated question, and there's no straightforward answer. The best I can
> do is give some examples:
> # References to a name will ALWAYS use the same object:
> x is x  # always True
> # References to another identifier MIGHT re-use the same object:
> x.attr is x.attr  # sometimes True, sometimes False
> x[index] is x[index]  # the same
> # References to a literal MIGHT re-use the same object, if it is immutable:
> 'x' is 'x'  # might be True
> ['x'] is ['x']  # always False
> # The same literal on the same line of code MIGHT be re-used:
> x = 123.5; y = 123.5; x is y  # might be True
> # ...even if they aren't re-used when on separate lines.
> x = 123.5
> y = 123.5
> x is y  # probably will be False
> # If two or more identifiers are assigned to a value at the same time,
> # Python GUARANTEES to use the same object:
> x = y = anything_you_like()
> x is y  # always True
> # Assignment in general never makes a new object:
> x = something()
> y = x
> x is y  # always True[1]
> Object identity is almost never important. About the only time it is
> important is when comparing things to None.
> But in practice, you can expect (but not rely on!) CPython to re-use the
> following:
> * Small integers. Which values count as small depend on the version, but -1
> to 100 is common.
> * Strings that look like identifiers, e.g. "x", "item", but not "hello
> world" or "?".

The link to the SO question discusses string interning to some detail.

> But don't rely on this, as it is not guaranteed and could go away at any
> time.

Yes, the 'is' check shouldn't really be relied on checks such as those
for None objects.


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