[Tutor] Flip a coin

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Tue Apr 9 18:29:03 CEST 2013

On 04/09/2013 07:50 AM, Najam Us Saqib wrote:
> Hi,
> This program is killing me, I have been working on it for last 3 hours, I have tried my best but can't make it work, please help me out.
> The Problem:
> Create a program that flips a coin 100 times and than tells you the number of tails and heads.

Nowhere does that say to ask the user for input, or even to wait for 
user input.  So start with Miya's pseudo-code, remove the input stuff, 
and try to turn that into code.

Keep it very simple till it works, then consider whether any 
fancy-ing-up is useful.


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