[Tutor] How to extract a float from an instancemethod call

Flynn, Stephen (L & P - IT) Steve.Flynn at capita.co.uk
Mon Apr 8 14:48:17 CEST 2013

Aha - another EdX 6.00 Python course student.

> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "/Users/Sydney/Documents/6.00x Files/Problem
> Sets/ProblemSet7/ps7 copy.py", line 303, in <module>
>      testRobotMovement(StandardRobot, RectangularRoom)
>    File "ps7_verify_movement.py", line 12, in testRobotMovement
>    File "/Users/Sydney/Documents/6.00x Files/Problem
> Sets/ProblemSet7/ps7 copy.py", line 285, in updatePositionAndClean
>      while self.room.isPositionInRoom(self.position) == False:
>    File "/Users/Sydney/Documents/6.00x Files/Problem
> Sets/ProblemSet7/ps7 copy.py", line 163, in isPositionInRoom
>      return self.room[(x,y)] in self.room
> KeyError: (<bound method Position.getX of <__main__.Position object at
> 0x4699490>>, <bound method Position.getY of <__main__.Position object
> 0x4699490>>)
>  >>>
> The program text referred to is the following, I give the whole
> which is part of a larger program.
>   def isPositionInRoom(self, pos):
>          """
>          Return True if pos is inside the room.
>          pos: a Position object.
>          returns: True if pos is in the room, False otherwise.
>          """
>          x = pos.getX
>          y = pos.getY
>          return self.room[(x,y)] in self.room

You extract X and Y from the Position object using it's accessor
methods. All you then need to do is check to ensure that both X and Y
are >= zero and that both of them, when converted to an into, are less
than room. width and room. height.

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