[Tutor] Python help!!

taserian taserian at gmail.com
Tue Apr 2 19:13:13 CEST 2013

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 12:49 PM, David Mitchell <d_mitchell89 at hotmail.com>wrote:

> Hi!
> How do I go through a text file, finding specific words/numbers/phrases
> and edit them to say different things? I do not want to edit the text file,
> I would rather open and read from the text file and write to a new file.
> I do NOT want to know how to replace a specific word with another every
> time it appears. There are some "OFF" 's that i would like to change to
> "ON" 's and some that I would like to change to "OPEN" for example.

How would you know which ones to change to "ON" and which ones to change to
"OPEN"? Additionally, how would you describe those conditions in Python?

Antonio Rodriguez
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