[Tutor] Civil discourse from a newbie's perspective

Cecilia Chavana-Bryant cecilia.chavana at gmail.com
Tue Oct 2 12:16:22 CEST 2012

First of all, a HUGE thanks to the volunteers that share their knowledge in
this forum for free! When I first became aware of this and other volunteer
forums I was amazed that there are people out there willing to spend their
valuable time freely helping those of us in need. Thanks also to everyone
that has participated on this post, it has been an enlightening read.

In my case, I am a complete beginner not only to python but programming in
general, a complete beginner to internet forums (this is my third post
ever) and I am also not a native English speaker. So, I feel triply
ignorant when I post a question. Not only do I find it difficult to
articulate my problem, as being a beginner to programming, I basically
don't know what the hell I'm talking about, but after reading other posts
where people have been corrected on their formatting I am also very
insecure about this. So, I would second Leam's suggestion to add
recommended behaviour to the welcome email to this forum and if it is not
too much to ask, some guidelines on appropriate formating
when participating in this forum. If this information has already been
given in previous posts, maybe a permanent link on the forum website to
these could be setup so troublesome, ignorant beginners like myself can be
referred to it and valuable volunteer's time is not wasted on making these
corrections over and over again.

On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 10:04 AM, leam hall <leamhall at gmail.com> wrote:

> My own struggles to better communicate, and to have my message heard,
> supports the concerns raised here. The Python community is a very good one
> and we are only made better by treating people well. it is easy to go to
> other lists where I am a newbie and find top posting preferred and other
> behavior encouraged.
> Does the welcome e-mail cover any of the recommended behavior? Are there
> easier ways to request participation within guidelines?
> Leam
> --
> Mind on a Mission <http://leamhall.blogspot.com/>
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