[Tutor] Creating a torrent file & associated tracker through a django web app

ashish makani ashish.makani at gmail.com
Wed Nov 21 08:54:51 CET 2012

Hi Tutor folks

I am trying to achieve the following :

The user should log into a web app, select a file & the web app should
generate a .torrent file & a private
for that .torrent file.

Basically, i want to programmatically create a .torrent file, on the server

I found two libraries mktorrent[1] & py3createtorrent [2], but i need help
with how to create a torrent from a django web app.

Any suggestions for django modules or libraries which can do this ?

Any suggestions/pointers/ideas/links will be greatly appreciated

Thanks a ton,



   1. http://mktorrent.sourceforge.net/
   2. http://www.robertnitsch.de/projects/py3createtorrent
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