[Tutor] Reusing Timers (threading.timer)

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Nov 13 18:32:31 CET 2012

On 13/11/12 15:42, Patrick Dickey wrote:

 > 1.  Can I stop and start the timer from different functions or methods
 > in my program, and if so, how?
 > 2.  Can I stop the timer, change the value, and restart it (or would it
 > create a new timer), or do I have to create a new timer with an entirely
 > new name?

I can't help with threading.timer since I've never used it but...

> 3.  If I get a value from a textbox, how do I parse it from the string
> value to an integer (or float)?

Use int() or float() ?

> 4.  Is there a better way of accomplishing this task?

Possibly. If you are using wxPython there is a timer (wx.Timer) in there 
that will fire an event (EVT_TIMER) after a suitable delay. This moves 
the timed event into your main processing code rather than having it in 
a thread. That might be easier. You can certainly start/stop the timer. 
You can recreate the timer with a new value after stopping. You can 
reuse the same variable name to store the timer.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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