[Tutor] Error Using A List And SMTP

Sarma Tangirala tvssarma.omega9 at gmail.com
Wed May 16 13:34:20 CEST 2012

Hi Walter,

> All the headers in the MimeText object needs to be strings.  You can't
> directly pass a list object containing multiple recipients to the "To"
> header of your MimeText object on line 31 in your code, and expect it to
> work.  You've got to instead first convert the list to valid string and
> assign that instead, as that's what the MimeText object expects.  You can
> infer this from your error messages since lstrip() is a string method, and
> the code is (rightly) complaining that a list doesn't have an lstrip()
> method, which is understandable becuase you're getting the error when you
> pass a list as parameter.
Thank you for clearing that. Stupid mistake here. I forgot to change the
variable names.

But I do have another question. Maybe this is a misunderstanding about the
MimeText type, but why does MimeText care about the To field when the
actually sending is being done by SMTP?

Sarma Tangirala,
Class of 2012,
Department of Information Science and Technology,
College of Engineering Guindy - Anna University
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