[Tutor] sorry seems like it was sent in html

Dave Angel d at davea.name
Mon May 14 04:44:11 CEST 2012

On 05/13/2012 07:22 PM, Keitaro Kaoru wrote:
> is that better? not html... ? 

Your message is still html.  The following section of code shows no
indentation, so is very hard to interpret.

> def seen(mgr, room, user, msg, args):
> name = args.lower().split(" ")[0]
> if not name.isalnum(): return Html("Non-alphanumeric name, seriously?")
> data = shared_db.get("seen:" + name)
> if data == None:
> return Html("I have no records about this user.")
> data = json.loads(data)
> ifdata[1] == "join":
> return Html("Last seen<b>%s</b>  join<b>%s</b>,<b>%s</b>  ago.", name,
> data[0], tdelta(data[2]))
> elif data[1] == "leave":
> return Html("Last seen<b>%s</b>  leave<b>%s</b>,<b>%s</b>  ago.", name,
> data[0], tdelta(data[2]))
> elif data[1] == "message":
> return Html("Last seen<b>%s</b>  message in<b>%s</b>,<b>%s</b>  ago:
> <i>\"%s\"</i>", name, data[0], tdelta(data[2]), data[3])
> return Html("I have no records about this user.")
> as you can see i only use some of the command. it doesnt produce an error
> message tho.. just repeats "return Error("<b>%s</b>  I couldn't find %s
> anywhere", user.name.title(), name.title())"

  The following excerpt will show some of the html you sent:

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<div>is that better? not html... ? hey. Austin here for some reason this co=
mmand. all it does it produces the</div><div>error message at the bottom.. =
itll say my name and the persons name im</div><div>trying to send the messa=
ge to but thats it. heres the command.=A0</div>
<div><br></div><div>mgr.addCommand(&quot;tell&quot;, 1, &quot;send a person=
 a message to the rooms he is in&quot;,</div><div>tell, unlisted =3D True)<=

In addition you keep starting new threads.  Use Reply-all to keep related messages together, and don't change the subject line if it's supposed to be part of the same thread.

I can't tell what this message's context is.  You start it with "hey Austin" but I don't see any other messages from an Austin, except about a year ago from an Austin Rodgers.

I guess I need to back off.  You don't list your imports, so people can only guess.  But clearly you're using some libraries I'm not familiar with.

Ask a clearer question, and somebody can probably help.



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