[Tutor] Library of Module for Analyzing Answer Cards

Emile van Sebille emile at fenx.com
Fri Mar 23 17:35:57 CET 2012

On 3/22/2012 11:45 AM Khalid Al-Ghamdi said...
> Hi All,
> I work in in academic testing environment and we employ expensive
> machines to scan answer sheets (the ones where you blacken the letter of
> the correct multiple choice answer). Anyway, I was thinking if there was
> a way we could use regular old scanners to scan the sheets than analyze
> the images to score the tests.
> Do you know any modules or libraries in python that can be helpful in
> that? Also, what approach if any would you employ to tackle this project?

For quick production deployment, I'd check out Bob's suggestion.

If I were going to write a python based solution I'd start with PIL (see 

I haven't tried doing something quite as detailed as what you're 
describing, but I do have PIL doing image analysis, cropping and 
resizing on an automated basis in a production environment.

I think I'd examine the scanned image for a location marker, then from 
that and an answer template that provides the answer box locations, 
locate the answer box area for each question in turn and identify the 
filled in multiple choice response.



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