[Tutor] IDLE problems

ALAN GAULD alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Mar 6 19:12:46 CET 2012

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> formulation of the question. Ultimately the brute question is why
> can't I get IDLE to work...
> I did uninstall the version that came with mac.
> In a terminal I get version 2.7.2(?)

OK, That's good because I think that's the same as the default install on SnowLeopard
which means the things that MacOS uses Python for will probably still work...
> IDLE was working with the original install.

OK, That's good too.

> I run IDLE simply by opening the IDLE icon in the Python folder.

OK, so from Finder. In that case can you open a Terminal window and 
drag the python folder into the Terminal - that should navigate you to 
the same folder. Then try running IDLE by typing

python ./idle.py

At the terminal prompt.

> I don't believe I have wish, at least not after a spotlight search.

Odd given you installed Tcl/Tk, but not a problem.

>As for hard return, the cursor moves to the next line but not response
>to the *hello world* string.

OK, is this in the IDLE shell?
In other words are you actually getting IDLE to open with a Python 
prompt >> showing? If not where are you typing the command, 
and what *exactly* are you typing.

If you can cut 'n paste into a mail so much the better!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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