[Tutor] python varying mulitple inheritance

kendy at kendy.org kendy at kendy.org
Tue Jun 19 17:01:17 CEST 2012

Thank you Steve and Alan!

I'll keep studying and practicing.


>Back to basics. a class is a definition of a *type* of thing, not a 
>particular case. A Pocket is a general purpose container. Each instance 
>can hold many things. So you would normally expect one pocket class and 
>6 instances. Each instance holding a different list of items.
>The only time you need a different Pocket class is where the pocket has 
>different *behaviour*. It is normally the behaviours that differentiate 
>classes not the data. The class data is there to support the class 
>behaviour. The behaviour of a Pocket is probably some thing like:
>In most implementations a Pocket will look a lot like a list...

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