[Tutor] Passing numeral result of a defined function to a named value

Emile van Sebille emile at fenx.com
Wed Jul 4 17:09:14 CEST 2012

On 6/28/2012 11:51 PM Joseph Hines said...
> Hello. Sorry to bother you, but I'm self-teaching myself python, and
> having difficulty with a script I'm writing to auto-calc various derived
> stats for a PnP game I am hosting soon.
> I need to pass a numeral result of a defined function to a "named" value
> (not sure if that's what it's called)
> The offending segment of code is this:

... and what's the offending error? (provide traceback details please)

Do you mean to be defining a function within a try-except structure?  As 
it stands you'll get a syntax error.

You've likely got an indetation issue on the line before except.

providing int_mod as some integer and reworking it to:

XP_Per_Level_Base = 20-int_mod
XP_Per_Level_Limit = 5
      def XP_Per_Level_Calc(XP_Per_Level_Base, XP_Per_Level_Limit):
          if XP_Per_Level_Base < XP_Per_Level_Limit:
              return XP_Per_Level_Limit
              return XP_Per_Level_Base
except ValueError:
      print "Script B0RK3D, Link Shall Come to Town."
      print "send him a message at 
Link6746 at gmail.com<mailto:Link6746 at gmail.com>"

XP_Per_Level = XP_Per_Level_Calc(XP_Per_Level_Base, XP_Per_Level_Limit)

gets it going, dut all in all it looks to me like this is simply a max 
function and could be written more simply as:


>     XP_Per_Level_Base = 20-int_mod
>     XP_Per_Level_Limit = 5
>     try:
>          def XP_Per_Level_Calc(XP_Per_Level_Base, XP_Per_Level_Limit):
>              if XP_Per_Level_Base < XP_Per_Level_Limit:
>                  return XP_Per_Level_Limit
>              else:
>                  return XP_Per_Level_Base
>     XP_Per_Level = XP_Per_Level_Calc(XP_Per_Level_Base, XP_Per_Level_Limit)
>     except ValueError:
>          print "Script B0RK3D, Link Shall Come to Town."
>          print "send him a message at Link6746 at gmail.com
>     <mailto:Link6746 at gmail.com>"
>     #Calcs XP per Level#
> If you need the whole script,  I'd be glad to send it to you, just
> promise me not to divulge too many details of it
> (It's regarding a custom PnP system that I'm planning on releasing under
> the Open Gaming License, and I'd prefer not to risk it becoming a
> proprietary system for someone I don't know)
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