[Tutor] Python with HTML

Evert Rol evert.rol at gmail.com
Sun Jan 29 09:41:49 CET 2012

> hi everyone,
> I want to make a web page which has to include some python script and html tags as well, am not getting how to do that . 
> I searched some articles but cant understand them .
> is there anything like linking an external html file into python script ?
> Can u please help for same 
> waiting for your instructions or some links that can help me

Not sure what you want. Do you want a HTML page that includes a Python script for the more dynamic parts?
In that case: that won't work. Java (ecma)script is the de facto standard for this. 
You can try and compile Python to javascript using eg Pyjamas (http://pyjs.org/).

If you want your Python script to generate HTML, you can just write out the necessary code using print statements or to a file.

Which articles did you search for, and what did you not understand?


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