[Tutor] Installing Modules

Jerry Hill malaclypse2 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 20:01:12 CET 2012

On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 1:07 PM, Downey, Patrick <PDowney at urban.org> wrote:

> I'm currently running Python version 2.7 through IDLE on a Windows machine.
> I'm trying to use numpy and scipy. I downloaded both modules from the scipy
> website and unzipped the files into:
> C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages

That is not the typical way to install software on windows, even python
modules.  Typically, software on windows is distributed in an installer.
Numpy and Scipy are the same way.  You could download the source code,
compile it, and install it from there, but that's pretty unusual on windows.

So.  Remove whatever you have unzipped into site-packages.  Download the
numpy and scipy installers.  Run them.  That should be it.

Numpy installer:

Scipy installer:

If you really do want to compile scipy and numpy from source, there are
instructions on getting all the required tools here:


PS: There *are* python packages out there that have to just be unzipped
into site-packages.  Those projects are typically pure-python modules
without any C code to compile.  Numpy and Scipy aren't among them, though.
There are other packages that expect you to download them, extract them to
a temp directory, then run "python setup.py install".   To know for sure
how to install a particular package, you'll need to dig around a bit for
installation instructions for that particular package.
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