[Tutor] Your thoughts on designing python code for unit testing?

Devin Jeanpierre jeanpierreda at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 08:49:25 CET 2012

I've found that bottom-up development favors testable code. That is,
rather than thinking of the problem to be solved, thinking in terms of
the tools (functions) one would use to solve the problem. These tools
can be written to be testable, and then it all builds up in this tower
of easily-testable and easy-to-use things until you have to actually
solve the problem at hand, at which point, ideally, it's just the
boring work of writing down the problem in terms of these tools.
(Digression: languages that let you do this earn the well-earned
reputation that source code can be like pseudocode).

It also makes the functions smaller and easier to read, which is a
nice bonus, especially during test failures -- lots of functions mean
your tests can be granular and say exactly where the problem is (more
or less), whereas being easy to read means less time searching for the

-- Devin

On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 10:48 PM, brian arb <brianjamesarb at gmail.com> wrote:
> What are some of the strategies for designing code to be unit tested?
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