[Tutor] want to chat with someone - phone, skype, or email

Tamar Osher emeraldoffice at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 2 21:20:23 CET 2012

Hi!  I have never before learned a programming language, and I started learning Python a couple of days ago.  I am wondering: How does a person make the leap from reading about Python to doing Python?
There seems to be many fabulous online tutorials.  I have read all the info at tutorialspoint.com, but I am still sort of stuck.  I am reading another wonderful online tutorial.  But...
I would like to talk to someone.  I don't have any close friends who are computer programmers.  Does anyone want to briefly chat, and share their experiences about how they did it?
I hope to hear from you.  THANKS! 
>From Your Friend: Tamar Osher
Skype Name: tamarosher
Email: EmeraldOffice at hotmail.com
Message Phone Number: 011- 1- 513-252-2936

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