[Tutor] ez_setup.py for Python3 64-bit on Vista

Walter Prins wprins at gmail.com
Sun Jan 1 06:02:26 CET 2012

Hi Mark

On 1 January 2012 03:13, Mark Lybrand <mlybrand at gmail.com> wrote:
> ... you'll see the newly installed script.  Additionally you can then
>> trivially also install "pip", by executing:
>> easy_install pip
> Does this triviality depend on where the pip files are that I wish to "easy
> install"?  I would assume that the answer is "yes". In which case, if those
> pip files are in my Download folder, will the easy install put them in the
> right place or reference them from the Download folder?

No -- easy_install does everything for you.  The command:

easy_install pip

both downloads and installs the package named "pip" for you.  (It so
happens that "pip" is another package management tool, but the point
is that you can install any Python package this way, simply by
specifying the package name that you want to install.)

That's part of the beauty of the inbuilt package management support in
Python.  You merely have to specify the package you'd like to install,
and distribute (via the command "easy_install") or pip (via the
command "pip") will (in general) go and locate the correct version of
a python package and install it for you.  Packages with C modules are
however much more problematic since you need a C compiler to install
them, and so in general it's far easier for such packages to find a
pre-packages Windows installer package witht he C modules already
compiled for you.  (If you're sufficiently familiar with C compilers
on Windows and projects like MinGW or tools like Visual Studio on
Windows, as well as how Windows works generally, then it's possible to
set your system up to have pip or distribute install your C based
Python modules as well.)

Hope that clarifies things,


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