[Tutor] Pyhton editor

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Feb 22 02:01:50 CET 2012

On 21/02/12 23:29, ken brockman wrote:

> I concur. Pyscripter , though I've only installed it a few days ago,
> seems to be one of the better ones.

I played with it when I had Windows but it seemed to e tied to a 
specific version of Python. Has that changed?

 > i love the simply way you can use tkinter from a server?
 > No muss no fuss.

Can you elaborate on that? I have no idea what you mean?
You can run a tkinter program on a server and display it on your local 
PC using X, but that has nothing to do with Pyscripter? And not much to 
do with tkinter for that matter! I assume you mean something else?

> understand that the way it had been built, it can't be readily ported to
> Linux. Mores the pity.

I seem to recall it was written in Borland's Delphi.
There is FreePascal which is very Delphi like, although not quite a 
clone, it might be possible to port it to FreePascal if somebody was 
keen enough!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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