[Tutor] Same code has different result

Andreas Perstinger andipersti at gmail.com
Sun Feb 12 18:02:35 CET 2012

[You've forgot to include the list in your reply]

On Mon, 13 Feb 2012 00:04:54 +0800 daedae11 <daedae11 at 126.com> wrote:

> Sorry, I'm not sure I know your viewpoint. Could you give me a
> detailed explanation about "you need more than about 6-7 seconds (on
> my computer) to type the third line."? Thank you very much.

The comment in "nntplib.py" says that if the connection is closed, an "EOFError" will be raised (that's the error you get).

In the interpreter you type in first the line "s = NNTP('news.gmane.org')" which opens the connection. Then you type in the "s.group"-line which is rather long and you are probably not typing fast enough. Meanwhile the connection to the gmane-Server is closed and that's why you get the "EOFError".

In your script there is no problem because there is no delay between those two lines.

Try to copy the lines of your script into your interpreter shell and you shouldn't get the error (don't type them manually, use copy & paste!).

HTH, Andreas

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