[Tutor] Image Processing

Prasad, Ramit ramit.prasad at jpmorgan.com
Tue Dec 18 21:06:35 CET 2012

Ashkan Rahmani wrote:
> I have developed some simple c++/qt/opencv application with face
> detection functionality.
> for some reasons I'm going to start again them and I wan to use python 3.
> Unfortunately I found opencv not supported in python 3.
> 1- as I'm new in python programming, is python 3 good choice for me?
> 2- Opencv binding will be available for python 3?
> 3- Is there any other image processing library for python 3?
> 4- Basically python 3 or 2.7 is suitable for image processing?

This link from the python mail list might help you understand
the current state of image processing in python. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.general/722247

Note the forum recommendation as well. Probably a good place to
ask more detailed questions.


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