[Tutor] Get the structure values from a c file

Marefe Serentas marszydril at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 04:12:45 CET 2012

Hi, I need help.

I want to create a python script that will store the value of the 
structure /MainStruct/ from the c file.
Suppose my c file looks like this:
#define max (3)

typedef struct A
     int a;
     char b;

typedef struct MainStruct
     A var1;
     int var2;
     int var3[max];

void generate()
     MainStruct myMain = {0};
     myMain.var1.a = 1
     myMain.var1.b = 'a'
     myMain.var2 = 3
     myMain.var3[0] = -3
     myMain.var3[1] = 6
     myMain.var3[2] = 18
My python script accepts a c file as input.
How can I get the values of the structure?
Can I call the function generate() in python script, but it doesn't have 
a return statement, how can I get the values by calling the function?
Help me, I'm really new in python.
All I could think is just parse the c file. But it seems that it's not a 
good idea.

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