[Tutor] Pypi entry points

Oscar Benjamin oscar.j.benjamin at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 00:09:27 CET 2012

On 30 November 2012 09:38, Albert-Jan Roskam <fomcl at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I am reading The Hitchhiker's Guide to Packaging 1.0 documentation, specifically http://guide.python-distribute.org/creation.html. I am struggling to understand the section about Entry Points. This appears to be a way to include extra functionality in a program, without the need to actually include it in the tar.gz file. Or, as the website says: "[A] pretty easy and simple way to allow other packages to register something
> that you want to know. Extra plugins, extra render methods, extra functionality
> you want to register in your web application, etcetera." I find the code examples hard to understand. I'd expect that it'd be steps like "in the middle of the setup, download and unzip file xxxx.zip from website http://blaaah.eu. How does this work?

There are currently a lot of problems with documentation for features
available in setuptools/distribute/distutils2 and so on. The page you
linked to certainly seems incomplete to me and the text concerning
entry points seems to be lifted from here

Try reading this

If that doesn't help then further questions are probably more
appropiate on the distutils-sig mailing list


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