[Tutor] Lambda?? Whaaaaat?

Dave Angel d at davea.name
Fri Aug 31 06:23:46 CEST 2012

On 08/30/2012 11:39 PM, Scurvy Scott wrote:
> I'm fairly new to python having recently completed LPTHW. While randomly reading stack overflow I've run into "lambda" but haven't seen an explanation of what that is, how it works, etc.
> Would anyone care to point me in the right direction?

lambda is an alternative syntax for defining a function.  However, the
function has no name, and can be defined in the middle of another
expression.  The main constraint is that a lambda function can consist
only of a single expression.  No statements, no if's, no loops.  It's
main usefulness is for callbacks, for example for a sort operation, or
gui event handlers.

if you had a function that returned the square of its argument, you
might define it as follows:

def square(x):
     return x*x

You could accomplish the same thing by the lambda function:

square = lambda x : x*x

Here we create a function with lambda, then bind it to the name square. 
No benefit, but it shows the syntax.

More interesting is if we want to sort a list of two-tuples, using the
3rd element of each as our sort key.

mylist.sort(key=lambda x : x[2])

There are other ways to accomplish that (and I think there's a standard
library function for it), but maybe it shows you what it could be used
for.  The function is generated, the sort happens, and the function is

(all code untested)



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