[Tutor] Installing modules with easy_install

Ray Jones crawlzone at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 21:47:49 CEST 2012

On 08/28/2012 12:35 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On 29/08/12 03:41, Ray Jones wrote:
>> I'm working on another Python replacement for a Bash script, and I ran
>> into a need for enhanced time zone functions. Following directions I
>> found on a web site, I did the following:
>> # easy_install --upgrade pytz
> [...]
>> Everything I'm reading suggests that now I should have the pytz module
>> available to me. But from iPython:
>> ImportError: No module named pytz
> Any time you get mysterious errors in iPython, or IDLE, or any other
> add-on to Python, it is important to determine whether the problem is
> with Python itself, or the add-on.
> In this case, start up the vanilla Python interactive environment by
> entering "python" at the $ prompt, then "import pytz" at the >>> prompt.
> If you get an error:
> - copy and paste the full traceback
> - show us the contents of sys.path
> You can also determine how many Python installations you have. At the
> bash $ prompt, type:
> python TAB TAB
> (that is, press the TAB key twice is succession, do not type the
> letters "t" "a" "b")
> and your shell will list the possible executable Python's on your
> system. Copy and paste that output.
I tried importing the module with each of the three shells that I have
on my system (I think I need to get rid of idle - I never use it
anymore): python, ipython, and idle. None of them recognize the module.

Discovering which python binaries are available shows that I have
/usr/bin/python and /usr/bin/python2.7. /usr/bin/python is a link to

My sys.path shows the following:


Aha! The sys path is in /usr/lib but the module was installed in
/usr/local/lib. What's the easiest fix for this? Creating a link to the
module in the OS, or adding (or changing) the sys.path?


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