[Tutor] Question

Kwpolska kwpolska at gmail.com
Thu Aug 23 21:13:24 CEST 2012

(resent due to sending off-list by mistake)
Let's begin with telling you what you did wrong here.  A fixed and
completed code is below.
(> = okay, # = modified/deleted; python code in `backticks`)

On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 7:02 PM, Ashley Fowler
<afowler2 at broncos.uncfsu.edu> wrote:
> def main():
#     l = list()
l = [] is more standard.
#     x = eval(input('Enter a number: '))
int(), I can happily enter `import shutil; shutil.rmtree('/', True)`
(replace '/' with 'C:\\' on Windows) and your system is dead.  Also,
why do you ask for a number now?  You weren't supposed to.
#     while x >= 0:
#         l.append(x)
#         x = eval(input('Enter a number: '))

`while True:` goes there.  You need to re-indent the following lines.

#     ask = input (" Do you want to perform a list operation?")
drop the space in front of ( and after ".  same below.  You may want
to add one after the question mark, though.
>     if "yes":
`if ask == 'yes':`!
#         input (" Do you want to test, peek, add, or remove?")
#         if "test":
same goes here.  `ask=input; if ask=='test':`.
>             if not l:
>                 print("The list is not empty")
>             else:
>                 print("The list is empty")
#         elif "peek":
`elif ask == 'peek'`
>             print(l[0])

Then, you need to add more stuff.  I did that for you:

As a bonus, I made it so "yes", "YES", or "        YeS      " will
yield the same effect.

Hope you are using py3k -- otherwise, replace input with raw_input, as
py2k's input() = py3k's eval(input())!  (the risks were described
Kwpolska <http://kwpolska.tk>
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