[Tutor] Resource question?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Aug 15 01:17:00 CEST 2012

On 14/08/12 23:57, Scurvy Scott wrote:

> I've been learning python through codecademy.com <http://codecademy.com>
> which has een helping a lot with it's step by step approach. I'm
> wondering if there are any others like it? I've been looking at some
> other places that attempt to teach python (google python course, code
> kata or some such thing, and a couple of others) but I just have an
> easier time learning with that step by step approach. was wondering if
> anyone knew of anything even remotely similar.

It depends what you want. There are lots of tutors 9including mine) that 
gradually build up code by getting you to enter short examples. Not many 
are live like codecademy is (which is pretty neat - I once tried to do 
that for mine but it got way too hard, way too soon!) but many use a 
"passive interactive" style.

Check out the Python beginners pages on the web site.
(or my tutor link below!)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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