[Tutor] output not in ANSI

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Aug 13 19:58:58 CEST 2012

On 13/08/12 16:01, leon zaat wrote:
> I wrote a program for creating a csv file.
> I am using pyton on windows.
> The output i get is not in ANSI.

Can you clarify what you mean by ANSI? According to Wikipedia:

The Institute administers five standards panels:
The ANSI Biofuels Standards Panel (ANSI-BSP)
The Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel
The ANSI Homeland Security Standards Panel
The ANSI Nanotechnology Standards Panel
The Identity Theft Prevention and Identity Management Standards Panel

Each of the panels works to identify, coordinate, and harmonize 
voluntary standards relevant to these areas.

That covers a pretty wide field of interest, which one are you using and 
which specific standard are you working to?

> Is there a way i can get the output in ansi,

Python doesn't know anything about ANSI standards, you will need to do 
that yourself. Python can format the data pretty much as you want

> I imported locale and tried wb and w as type of writing.
> ofile=open(r'D:\bestanden\BAG\adrescoordinaten.csv', 'w(b)')

Locale will affect the display of the data in terms of fonts and such.
Is that what you are trying to control?

Slightly confused.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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