[Tutor] Creating a basic CGI script

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Aug 3 19:43:29 CEST 2012

On 03/08/12 17:58, Smaran Harihar wrote:

> I wish to create a basic cgi script which will interact with the ajax
> call from my Ext-JS, modify it and then return it back to the ext-js.

This forum is for people learning the Python language and the standard 
library. CGI is a standard module but not often used these days for web 
programming  since much better frameworks exist that make things much 
easier. jax is not really a beginners topic nor directly related to the 
Python language.

Since most Python web development frameworks include standard ways of 
writing Ajax calls so the answer will depend on which framework you 
choose, and then support for that will be best given via the framework 

Having said all that, if are using the standard cgi module and you can 
show us a very simple example of what you have tried and explain what 
happened we might be able to help out.

> I just completed this tutorial

Which tutorial, there are many. Don't make us guess!

> ...which tells me how I should create a cgi-script but it
 > was interacting with the py script.

That's the usual way to program in CGI its all done at the server end.
Do you understand how the http/CGI mechanism works? Can you write a 
traditional CGI web application?

If you have not already done so I recommend that you read this:


and consider using one of the web frameworks mentioned there.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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