[Tutor] gtk.TreeView displays all right on Windows, but can't see the values on Ubuntu

Lion Chen chnlion79 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 06:41:30 CEST 2012

Hi, All,
first thanks the people who gave helps to me, :)

now i encountered another question...
my first program LionCalculator, works ok on Windows, but there is a
problem on Ubuntu.

LionCalculator has a function that can store the previous calculation
results to the
gtk.ListStore((gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN,

for i in xrange(12):
self.results_store.append(["F%d" % (i+1), None, None])

when pressed F1--F12 or click the gtk.CellRendererRadio, the gtk.Entry
will get the corresbonding values stored in ListStore.

when i run the program on Windows, no problem, i can see everything that
should display on the screen. but when i run it on Ubuntu, i can't see
the "F1" -- "F12" in the ListStore, can't see the calculation results
that should also display on ListStore, only the gtk.CellRendererRadio
i don't understand...

and when i add "print ...get_store()[0][0]" and run it again, it print
"F1"! strange... and when i press F1 or F2..., the result will copy to
the entry,
although it does not display in the TreeView, strange...

the following are codes:

#in class ResultsView......
def make_view(self):
# make ListStore for storing results
self.results_store = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING,

#to store 12 calculation results, the results_store[0][0] is "F1--F12"
for i in xrange(12):
self.results_store.append(["F%d" % (i+1), None, None])

self.results_view = gtk.TreeView(self.results_store)

#f_renderer is for "F1" -- "F12"
f_renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()
f_renderer.set_property( 'editable', False )
f_renderer.set_property("size", 5)
f_renderer.set_property("cell-background", "cyan")

#when clicked bt_renderer, it will copy the corresbonding values to
bt_renderer = gtk.CellRendererToggle()
bt_renderer.set_property('activatable', True)
bt_renderer.set_property("radio", True)
bt_renderer.set_property("cell-background", "grey")
bt_renderer.connect("toggled", self.ready_cp, self.results_store)

#txt_renderer is for storing calculation results
txt_renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()
txt_renderer.set_property( 'editable', False )
txt_renderer.set_property("size", 5)
txt_renderer.set_property("cell-background", "green")

#i guess the problem is in the following, but i don't know where it
exactly is, ok in Windows, can't show in Ubuntu...
bt_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn("F1--F12")
bt_column.pack_start(f_renderer, True)
bt_column.pack_start(bt_renderer, False)
bt_column.set_attributes(f_renderer, text=0)
#set active to be clickable. and the bt_columen is
#corresbonding to results_store columne 1
bt_column.add_attribute(bt_renderer, "active", 1)

#and txt_column is corresbonding to the store column 2
txt_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Calculation Results ", txt_renderer,


return self.results_view

#in class LionCalc....
def __init__(self):
self.results_view = ResultsView()
right_vbox.pack_start(self.results_view.make_view(), True, True, 0)


could anybody give me help? thanks.

Lion Chen

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