[Tutor] Open source projects build using Python

bob gailer bgailer at gmail.com
Tue Apr 3 18:59:27 CEST 2012

On 4/3/2012 10:45 AM, Simon Yan wrote:
> Dear All,
> I've been working on Python for a while but haven't got any chance to 
> work on any projects yet. I've spent most of my time reading codes. (I 
> know this is bad when you want to actually learn a programming language)
> It would be a better idea that I can start to join an open source 
> projects that is built with Python instead of starting up a new 
> project. (I have no good ideas at this moment anyways) I know there 
> are lots of projects which I can work on, but just wanted to hear some 
> recommendations what are the ones good for a long time Python "reader"?

I just sent a reply too a potential user of my fledgling project. Read 
and see if you are inspired.
---------------------------- reply 
On 4/2/2012 5:23 PM, Alexander Todorov wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I'm looking for a stream based/event based parser utilities which I 
> can use to build my application.
> All I managed to find is related to SAX and XML but I will not be 
> parsing XML documents. As an example there is a POD parser for Perl 
> which behaves like a SAX parser:
> https://metacpan.org/module/Pod::Parser
> I'm looking for something similar in Python.
> I will be parsing source code in various programming languages and 
> need to be able to identify when a class definition starts, when 
> function definition starts, etc.
> If possible I'd prefer to have a base module which does the hard work 
> and then small configuration modules for the various languages.
> Can you point me to some relevant modules/docs?
Under development right now is an open-source project - Python Pipelines 
- a utility to do (amongst many other tasks) what you want.
With Pipelines you specify the source(s) and destination(s) of data and 
the various filters and transforms you want done to the data using a 
fairly straightforward language.

In your case (for starters) pipe "<source.py | locate 'def:' | 
 >functions.txt" would read all the records (linies) in source.py, 
select just those containing 'def:' and write them to functions.txt. 
There is much more that can be accomplished.
--------------------------------------- end reply 

If this sparks your interest I will send you the developer's guide.

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

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