[Tutor] list, tuple or dictionary

ADRIAN KELLY kellyadrian at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 29 22:04:35 CET 2011

thanks guy, i was thinking of using a dictionary:- Stock_list = {"White Bread": 1.24,            "Biscuits": 1.77,            "Banana" : 0.23,            "Tea Bags" : 2.37,            "Eggs" : 1.23,            "Beans" : 0.57}
how would i go about adding, for example tea and eggs to get a subtotal? 


Adrian Kelly 
1 Bramble Close



County Westmeath


From: waynejwerner at gmail.com
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 14:49:00 -0600
Subject: Re: [Tutor] list, tuple or dictionary
To: kellyadrian at hotmail.com
CC: tutor at python.org

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 2:31 PM, ADRIAN KELLY <kellyadrian at hotmail.com> wrote:

i am trying to create a program that will allow users to enter items and their prices; should i be looking at a list, tuple or what?
The entering part isn't as important as how you want to display the data. For instance, here's a program that allows the user to input an unlimited amount of data (using Python 3.x):

while input("Enter q to quit, or an item: ").lower() not in ('q', 'quit', 'goodbye'):

     input("Enter the price: ")
Of course it doesn't store the data, so it's pretty useless. But it does allow the user to input whatever they want.

If you wanted to simply create a collection of items you could do it as a list with alternating values:

    inventory = ['Crunchy Frog', 4.13, 'Anthrax Ripple', 12.99999999999, 'Spring     Surprise', 0.00]

    for x in range(0, len(inventory)-1, 2):          print(inventory[x], inventory[x+1])
Or as a list of tuples:  

    inventory = [('Norwegian Blue', 500.00), ('Slug', 500.00), ('Cage', 50.00)]    for item in inventory:        print(item[0], item[1])
Or a dictionary:

    inventory = {'Spam':5.00, 'Spam on eggs':10.00, 'Spam on Spam':7.50}    for item, price in inventory.items():        print(item, price)

Or if you wanted to get ridiculous, you could go with a list of classes:
class Item:    def __init__(self, desc='', price=0.00):        self.desc = desc

        self.price = price    def __repr__(self):        return str(self)    def __str__(self):        return "{0} - {1}".format(self.desc, self.price)

inventory = [Item('Lumberjack', 5.5), Item('Tree', 50), Item('Flapjack', 0.5)]for item in inventory:    print(item)

It just depends on how complex you want to get!

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