[Tutor] Encoding

Max S. maxskywalker1 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 15:05:44 CET 2011

Well, I am assuming that by this you mean converting user input into a
string, and then extracting the numerals (0-9) from it.  Next time, please
tell us your version of Python.  I'll do my best to help with this.  You
might try the following:

the_input = input("Insert string here: ") # change to raw_input in python 2
after = ""
for char in the_input:
        char = int(char)
        after += char

If other symbols might be in the string ($, @, etc.), then you might use

the_input = input('Insert string here: ') # change to raw_input in python 2
after = ''
not_allowed = '1234567890-=!@#$%^&**()_+,./<>?`~[]{}\\|'
for char in the_input:
    if char in not_allowed:
        after += char

This method requires more typing, but it works with a wider variety of
characters.  Hopefully this helped.

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 8:45 PM, Nidian Job-Smith <nidianjs at hotmail.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> In my programme I am encoding what the user has in-putted.
> What the user inputs will in a string, which might a mixture of letters
> and numbers.
> However I only want the letters to be encoded.
> Does any-one how I can only allow the characters to be encoded ??
> Big thanks,
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