[Tutor] Thank you!

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Nov 16 20:15:40 CET 2011

On 16/11/11 13:50, Cranky Frankie wrote:
> Thank you to all for your help on my SQL DDL parsing script, and thank
> you Alan for having this wonderful list.

Not much to do with me I'm just one the moderators who
happens to flush the admin queue occasionally! :-)

> before that I programmed on the mainframe. I'm used to COBOL, SQL,
> DB2, and latley XML. I've done some Unix scripting and VB script,
> taught myself some basic C and C++, with some odd Visual Basic along
> the way, but Python is enitirely new to me. That's why I got thrown
> off with the output not lining up in Notepad - I've never written
> anything before that could be displayed in a mode that used
> proportional fonts.

I don't believe you! :-)
What you probably mean is that you haven't had a display tool that could 
use proportional fonts (or at least never used them!) You will hit the 
same problem using some Winsdows VT200 emulators, or even
3270 emulators for the mainframe if they support proportional fonts. 
(But never, ever try working a 3270 with proportional fonts!)

You could take some plain text produced by one of your programs 20 years 
ago and Notepad, with the wrong font, would still cause misalignment. 
It's nothing to do with the output but all to do
with the display tool. And its by no means a new problem, its been 
around since the first graphical, bitmapped, displays appeared in the 

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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