[Tutor] Suggest Book

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Nov 12 01:47:48 CET 2011

On 11/11/11 14:29, Pankaj Jakhar wrote:

> Please suggest me the best book for Python from which I can learn basics
> to advanced Python.

The "best" book will depend on you, some like informal chatty style with 
lots of examples other prefer a more formal approach. For me the 
O'Reilly books get it about right, although APress and Addison Wesley 
are usually safe bets too.

It will also depend on your previous experience - do you already program 
in another language? Do you have any formal computer science or 
engineering or math background? These are all things that will affect 
your preference.

Try browsing on Amazon and other web sites, use the previews where 

One other thing to consider os that "advanced" Python tends to be a case 
of a specialized subject area/library rather than advanced language 
usage., Python is pretty  simple to use at any levels. You can write 
obscure python but its not often good Python and possibly not even 
advanced!.... So you might be better focusing on on-line tutorials to 
start with then choosing a specialized book to suit your interests - 
like networking, web, GUI, text processing, Games etc.
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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