[Tutor] login window using Tk

Wayne Werner waynejwerner at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 20:54:20 CET 2011

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 1:57 PM, Chris Hare <chare at labr.net> wrote:

> Here is a code snippet I have pulled out of the project.  It is as bare
> bones as I can make it to get the point across.
> the problems I am having:
> 1.  I would really like the window to be centered in the user's screen,
> but setting the geometry doesn't place it there.  (that isn't included here)

Take a look at the winfo_screenwidth/height methods.

> 2.  When I click the Login button, nothing happens.  I know I am missing
> something but it just isn't obvious what it is.

In your code you have "print button pressed" as the command - this is a
string, and certainly wont do anything useful - you want to put a function
here, e.g. command=self.login or something to that effect. You don't want
parenthesis, or it will try to login as soon as python creates your button.

> 3.  Finally, I would like to be able to hide the root window until the
> authentication is performed, but root.hide() gets me a getattr error.
>  root.withdraw() works, but I can't get the root window back

root.deiconify() is the method you're looking for here.

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