[Tutor] Finding error from os.system(cmd)

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue May 31 11:49:49 CEST 2011

"Kann Vearasilp" <vearasilp at gmail.com> wrote

> I tested the complete java command via terminal and it worked fine.
> The PNG image was created correctly.

So as your user account with your local environment set up, it worked.

> I tested the python package using python shell ...
> and the PNG image was created

And in your local Python environment with your Python parths
set up, it worked.

> Therefore, I imported the MedusaConnector package
> into views.py, a place where you should place all your
> python codes in a view, and try to run it using django
> internal webserver. This time, the PNG file was
> created, but with and empty image

So as a django webserver user with the Django enviironment,
it did not work.

What is diffferent?

> So, now I am trying to track down and figure out what
> went wrong with my code.

Quite possibly there is nothing wrong with your code, its
more likely to be the execution environment.
Check permissions and paths for example.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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