[Tutor] short url processor

ian douglas ian.douglas at iandouglas.com
Sat May 14 02:49:29 CEST 2011

On 05/13/2011 05:03 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:
> As I say, just some thoughts,

I *am* curious, Alan, whether you or anyone else on the list are able to 
help me make this a little more efficient:

                 cur.execute("SELECT short_url,long_url FROM short_urls")
                 giant_list = cur.fetchall()

                 for i in giant_list:
                         if i[0]:
                                 if i[1]:
                                         mc.set(i[0], i[1])

At present, we have about two million short URL's in our database, and 
I'm guessing there's a much smoother way of iterating through 2M+ rows 
from a database, and cramming them into memcache. I imagine there's a 
map function in there that could be much more efficient?

v2 of our project will be to join our short_urls table with its 'stats' 
table counterpart, to where I only fetch the top 10,000 URLs (or some 
other smaller quantity). Until we get to that point, I need to speed up 
the restart time if this script ever needs to be restarted. This is 
partly why v1.5 was to put the database entries into memcache, so we 
wouldn't need to reload the db into memory on every restart.


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