[Tutor] Unpack requires a string argument of length 8

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri May 6 19:20:23 CEST 2011

"Susana Iraiis Delgado Rodriguez" <susana.delgado_s at utzmg.edu.mx> 

> I already changed the code, I added the try statement and the script 
> runned
> without ponting to an error.

So to be clear. You run the script and it does NOT print
'El archivo ' +filepath+ ' esta vacio'

But your file could still be empty since

>        if os.path.lexists(d):
>            filepath1 = "C:\\Python26\\dbf\\"
>            a = open (filepath1 +b,"w+")
>            try:
>                Dbf(d,new=False, readOnly=True)
>                for fldName in dbf.fieldDefs:

Have you tried printing dbf.fieldDefs?
If that is empty then the following code will not run.
try/except is not a magic cure-all. It needs something
to trigger the exception, if you try to itertate over an
empty list that won't do it.

>                    a.write(fldName.name)
>                    a.write(" || ")
>                    a.write(fldName.typeCode)
>                    a.write("\n")
>                dbf.close()
>                a.close()
>                print n
>            except:
>                print 'El archivo ' +filepath+ ' esta vacio'

You should probably change the except to catch specific
errors rather than be a catch-all, but I'm not sure which
errors you might catch. That depends on the Dbf class design.

>        else:
>            print "El archivo " +n[0]+".shp" " no tiene dbf"
> print "Listo"


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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