[Tutor] Need help with arrays

Patrick P. tical_1985 at hotmail.com
Wed May 4 19:30:38 CEST 2011


I hope this is the right way to ask my question, if not, sorry to bother you. Maybe you can tell me who to ask.
Ok so here is my code
import numpy as np

nH = 2.2
nL = 1.7
welle = 0.5 
wurzel = (8.85*10**(-12) * 12.57*10**(-7))**0.5 * 10**6 
w = np.arange(0.50, 1.50, 0.01)

inc = 25
inc1 = np.arcsin((1/nH))*np.sin(inc)
inc2 = np.arcsin((nH/nL)*np.sin(inc1))

del0 = 2*np.pi*welle*np.cos(inc)/w
del1 = 2*np.pi*nH*(welle/nH)*np.cos(inc)/w
del2 = 2*np.pi*nL*(welle/nL)*np.cos(inc1)/w

nu1 = wurzel*nH*np.cos(inc1)                         
nu2 = wurzel*nL*np.cos(inc2)

# Matrix 1

m111 = np.cos(del1)
m121 = 1j*np.sin(del1)/nu1
m211 = 1j*nu1*np.sin(del1)
m221 = np.cos(del1)
A = np.array([[m111,m121], [m211,m221]])

# Matrix 2

m112 = np.cos(del2)
m122 = 1j*np.sin(del2)/nu2
m212 = 1j*nu2*np.sin(del2)
m222 = np.cos(del2)
B = np.array([[m112,m122], [m212,m222]])


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Python26/helpfiletest.py", line 36, in <module>
ValueError: objects are not aligned
I get it why theres and error message, because it's trying to multiply a 2x2x100 array with another 2x2x100 array and doesn't know how to do that.
What I actually want is 100 2x2 arrays and then mutliply them individually.
Can anyone help me with that?

Thanks a lot! Best,

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