[Tutor] (no subject)

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Tue May 3 02:05:12 CEST 2011

Austin Rodgers wrote:
> I’m trying to learn by using pyschools.com, and ran across a question I can’t answer. I tried to google it, but I don’t even know what type of function I’m looking for. I know I am supposed to modify the list, but I just can’t figure out how. anyway, here’s the question:
> Write a function getSumofLastDigits() that takes in a list of positive numbers and returns the sum of all the last digits in the list. 
> Examples
>     >>> getSumofLastDigits([2, 3, 4])
>     9
>     >>> getSumofLastDigits([1, 23, 456])
>     10
> how would I go about writing this function?

This question has two parts:

1 Get the last digit of a number.

2 Do #1 for a bunch of numbers and add the results.

Put them together and you get this pseudo code:

def getSumOfLastDigits(list_of_numbers):
     for each number in list_of_numbers:
         get the last digit
     add them together and return the result

Let me give a few hints:

- The sum() function takes a list of numbers and adds them.

- Or, you can do the same by hand with a for-loop:

def my_sum(numbers):
     total = 0
     for number in numbers:
         total += number
     return number

- The % operator returns the remainder after division, e.g. 17 % 10 = 7.

Now try to write some code and come back if you have any further 
problems. Good luck!

P.S. in future, please try to include a *meaningful* Subject line, not 
just blank or "no subject".


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