[Tutor] Accessing a DLL from python

Hanlie Pretorius hanlie.pretorius at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 10:21:37 CET 2011

Hi Python Tutors,

I'm using a storm water modelling program, EPA SWMM, to model the
hydrology and hydraulics of a study area.

SWMM reports its results in a binary (.out) file that contains the
results for each element in the model at each time step in the model
run. According to the SWMM interface manual
(http://www.epa.gov/ednnrmrl/models/swmm/swmm5_iface.zip), one can use
a DLL file to read the .out file. I want to do this so that I can read
the state of a river at a specific time and plot its water level in a

After some searching on the Internet, I came across ctypes, which I
have tried. According to the SWMM manual:

Opening the Output File
A function named OpenSwmmOutFile(outFile) that performs these tasks is
contained in the example code files that accompany this guide. The
argument to the function is the name of the binary output file. The
return value from the function is an integer code with the following
0 - the run was successful
1 - the run was terminated with an error
2 - the output file could not be opened.

So, I tried the following python code:
In [14]: swmmdll = cdll.LoadLibrary("C:\\Hanlie\\model\\SWMM\\swmm5_0_018.dll")

In [15]: results_file="C:\\Hanlie\\model\\SWMM\\c83a_v0\\c83a_v0.3.out"

In [16]: open_file=swmmdll.OpenSwmmOutFile(results_file)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<ipython console>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Python26\lib\ctypes\__init__.py", line 366, in __getattr__
    func = self.__getitem__(name)
  File "C:\Python26\lib\ctypes\__init__.py", line 371, in __getitem__
    func = self._FuncPtr((name_or_ordinal, self))
AttributeError: function 'OpenSwmmOutFile' not found

Can anyone perhaps help me to access the functions in this DLL?

The manual also states:
The following files are needed for applications that call functions
from the swmm5.dll library:
· swmm5.h for C/C++ applications
 · swmm5.bas for Visual Basic applications
 · swmm5.pas for Delphi applications.

And they give an example in C, Basic and Pascal to use the interface.
I have appended the C example to this message.


// swmm5_iface.c
// Example code for interfacing SWMM 5 with C/C++ programs.
// Remember to #include the file swmm5_iface.h in the calling program.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "swmm5.h"

int    SWMM_Nperiods;                  // number of reporting periods
int    SWMM_FlowUnits;                 // flow units code
int    SWMM_Nsubcatch;                 // number of subcatchments
int    SWMM_Nnodes;                    // number of drainage system nodes
int    SWMM_Nlinks;                    // number of drainage system links
int    SWMM_Npolluts;                  // number of pollutants tracked
double SWMM_StartDate;                 // start date of simulation
int    SWMM_ReportStep;                // reporting time step (seconds)

int    RunSwmmExe(char* cmdLine);
int    RunSwmmDll(char* inpFile, char* rptFile, char* outFile);
int    OpenSwmmOutFile(char* outFile);
int    GetSwmmResult(int iType, int iIndex, int vIndex, int period,
float* value);
void   CloseSwmmOutFile(void);

static const int SUBCATCH = 0;
static const int NODE     = 1;
static const int LINK     = 2;
static const int SYS      = 3;
static const int RECORDSIZE = 4;       // number of bytes per file record

static int SubcatchVars;               // number of subcatch reporting variables
static int NodeVars;                   // number of node reporting variables
static int LinkVars;                   // number of link reporting variables
static int SysVars;                    // number of system reporting variables

static FILE*  Fout;                    // file handle
static int    StartPos;                // file position where results start
static int    BytesPerPeriod;          // bytes used for results in each period
static void   ProcessMessages(void);

int RunSwmmExe(char* cmdLine)
  int exitCode;

  // --- initialize data structures
  memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si));
  memset(&pi, 0, sizeof(pi));
  si.cb = sizeof(si);
  si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;

  // --- launch swmm5.exe
  exitCode = CreateProcess(NULL, cmdLine, NULL, NULL, 0,
			 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi);

  // --- wait for program to end
  exitCode = WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE);

  // --- retrieve the error code produced by the program
  GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &exitCode);

  // --- release handles
  return exitCode;

int RunSwmmDll(char* inpFile, char* rptFile, char* outFile)
  int err;
  double elapsedTime;

  // --- open a SWMM project
  err = swmm_open(inpFile, rptFile, outFile);
  if (!err)
    // --- initialize all processing systems
    err = swmm_start(1);
    if (err == 0)
      // --- step through the simulation
        // --- allow Windows to process any pending events

        // --- extend the simulation by one routing time step
        err = swmm_step(&elapsedTime);

        // --- call progress reporting function here,
        //     using elapsedTime as an argument

      } while (elapsedTime > 0.0 && err == 0);

      // --- close all processing systems

  // --- close the project
  return err;

void ProcessMessages(void)

/****  Only use this function with a Win32 application *****
  MSG msg;
  while (TRUE)
    if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
      if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) break;
    else break;


int OpenSwmmOutFile(char* outFile)
  int magic1, magic2, errCode, offset, offset0, version;
  int err;

  // --- open the output file
  Fout = fopen(outFile, "rb");
  if (Fout == NULL) return 2;

  // --- check that file contains at least 14 records
  fseek(Fout, 0L, SEEK_END);
  if (ftell(Fout) < 14*RECORDSIZE)
    return 1;

  // --- read parameters from end of file
  fseek(Fout, -5*RECORDSIZE, SEEK_END);
  fread(&offset0, RECORDSIZE, 1, Fout);
  fread(&StartPos, RECORDSIZE, 1, Fout);
  fread(&SWMM_Nperiods, RECORDSIZE, 1, Fout);
  fread(&errCode, RECORDSIZE, 1, Fout);
  fread(&magic2, RECORDSIZE, 1, Fout);

  // --- read magic number from beginning of file
  fseek(Fout, 0L, SEEK_SET);
  fread(&magic1, RECORDSIZE, 1, Fout);

  // --- perform error checks
  if (magic1 != magic2) err = 1;
  else if (errCode != 0) err = 1;
  else if (SWMM_Nperiods == 0) err = 1;
  else err = 0;

  // --- quit if errors found
  if (err > 0 )
    Fout = NULL;
    return err;

  // --- otherwise read additional parameters from start of file
  fread(&version, RECORDSIZE, 1, Fout);
  fread(&SWMM_FlowUnits, RECORDSIZE, 1, Fout);
  fread(&SWMM_Nsubcatch, RECORDSIZE, 1, Fout);
  fread(&SWMM_Nnodes, RECORDSIZE, 1, Fout);
  fread(&SWMM_Nlinks, RECORDSIZE, 1, Fout);
  fread(&SWMM_Npolluts, RECORDSIZE, 1, Fout);

  // Skip over saved subcatch/node/link input values
  offset = (SWMM_Nsubcatch+2) * RECORDSIZE  // Subcatchment area
             + (3*SWMM_Nnodes+4) * RECORDSIZE  // Node type, invert & max depth
             + (5*SWMM_Nlinks+6) * RECORDSIZE; // Link type, z1, z2,
max depth & length
  offset = offset0 + offset;
  fseek(Fout, offset, SEEK_SET);

  // Read number & codes of computed variables
  fread(&SubcatchVars, RECORDSIZE, 1, Fout); // # Subcatch variables
  fseek(Fout, SubcatchVars*RECORDSIZE, SEEK_CUR);
  fread(&NodeVars, RECORDSIZE, 1, Fout);     // # Node variables
  fseek(Fout, NodeVars*RECORDSIZE, SEEK_CUR);
  fread(&LinkVars, RECORDSIZE, 1, Fout);     // # Link variables
  fseek(Fout, LinkVars*RECORDSIZE, SEEK_CUR);
  fread(&SysVars, RECORDSIZE, 1, Fout);     // # System variables

  // --- read data just before start of output results
  offset = StartPos - 3*RECORDSIZE;
  fseek(Fout, offset, SEEK_SET);
  fread(&SWMM_StartDate, sizeof(double), 1, Fout);
  fread(&SWMM_ReportStep, RECORDSIZE, 1, Fout);

  // --- compute number of bytes of results values used per time period
  BytesPerPeriod = 2*RECORDSIZE +      // date value (a double)
                   (SWMM_Nsubcatch*SubcatchVars +
                    SWMM_Nlinks*LinkVars +

  // --- return with file left open
  return err;

int GetSwmmResult(int iType, int iIndex, int vIndex, int period, float* value)
  int offset;

  // --- compute offset into output file
  *value = 0.0;
  offset = StartPos + (period-1)*BytesPerPeriod + 2*RECORDSIZE;
  if ( iType == SUBCATCH )
    offset += RECORDSIZE*(iIndex*SubcatchVars + vIndex);
  else if (iType == NODE)
    offset += RECORDSIZE*(SWMM_Nsubcatch*SubcatchVars +
                          iIndex*NodeVars + vIndex);
  else if (iType == LINK)
    offset += RECORDSIZE*(SWMM_Nsubcatch*SubcatchVars +
                          SWMM_Nnodes*NodeVars +
                          iIndex*LinkVars + vIndex);
  else if (iType == SYS)
    offset += RECORDSIZE*(SWMM_Nsubcatch*SubcatchVars +
                          SWMM_Nnodes*NodeVars +
                          SWMM_Nlinks*LinkVars + vIndex);
  else return 0;

  // --- re-position the file and read the result
  fseek(Fout, offset, SEEK_SET);
  fread(value, RECORDSIZE, 1, Fout);
  return 1;

void CloseSwmmOutFile(void)
  if (Fout != NULL)
    Fout = NULL;

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