[Tutor] trying to translate and ebcidic file

Steve Willoughby steve at alchemy.com
Tue Jun 14 21:13:22 CEST 2011

On 14-Jun-11 11:40, Prinn, Craig wrote:
> I am looking for a way to translate and ebcidic file to ascii. Is there
> a pre-existing library for this, or do I need to do this from scratch?
> If from scratch and ideas on where to start?

Bear in mind that there's no 100% straight-across translation, because 
ASCII and EBCDIC each has characters that the other lacks.  However, to 
translate the character codes they share in common, you could do 
something as simple as using the translation table functionality built 
in to the string class in Python, setting up a table to convert between 
one and the other.

of course, if you are on a Unix-like system, there's already a command 
for that, to convert a file "E" from EBCDIC to a file "A" in ASCII:

  $ dd if=E of=A conv=ascii

or the other way:
  $ dd if=A of=E conv=ebcdic

Steve Willoughby / steve at alchemy.com
"A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for."
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