[Tutor] GUI selection help

Shwinn Ricci armvrt at gmail.com
Thu Jul 14 18:15:43 CEST 2011

by the way, I'm on a MAC if that helps/hurts at all.

On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 10:41 AM, Shwinn Ricci <armvrt at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I am browsing through the large list of apps for creating GUIs from python
> on http://wiki.python.org/moin/GuiProgramming but unfortunately don't know
> which one is the best for my project, which involves mapping a point on a
> 2-Dimensional surface to a 3-Dimensional structure by having users move
> their mouse over the 2-D surface to light up a respective point on the 3-D
> surface. The GUI should also allow me to implement rotated camera angles for
> the 3-D structure. Does the GUI I select matter at all? Any pointers would
> be appreciated.
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